You Do Not Have to be Ashamed to Call Yourself a Feminist, and Here’s Why.


Once at a discussion about ‘Gender Equality’, a fine young man stood up and proudly said, “Women get to walk in free for certain parties, but men don’t, where’s the equality there? You do not want to lose privileges you already have.” Yeah, so have it. It is not like women protested to have that privilege. No woman died of hunger for that. No woman killed herself for that. They have had 1001 issues to use those methods. Way more serious than the privilege to walk in free for the parties.

Just because you know martial arts, it does not mean every girl will kick and survive from a rapist. Just because you have parent protection, it does not mean every girl will be saved from being a forced prostitute. Just because you are smart and empowered, it does not mean every woman has the strength to say no to harassment.

Women were deprived. For centuries. Gender mattered. For opportunities, education, employment and representation. It is about why ‘women’ are more vulnerable? Is it about the biology or are you ‘meant to’ treat yourself vulnerable? From Emily Davison who stepped in front of King George V’s horse for the suffrage of women, to Malala Yousafzai who took bullets in the head while campaigning for girls’ education; Women rebelled for the lost opportunities.Questioned the hierarchy. Sought answers. Why lose the equality for being born a ‘woman’?

FEMINISM. The movement for the lost equality. Or the equality never had in the first place. Do not just look around you. Look beyond. With empathy. The need exists.